prophet Jesus Christ had predicted 2000 years ago was already
Forewarning of prophet Jesus Christ
Two thousand years ago
the Creator Yahweh predicted as following through the Prophet
Jesus that the Messiah who will save humanity would be sent
to the earth in the future.

John 14:26
「But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom
the Father will send in my name, he shall teach
you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance,
whatsoever I have said unto you.」
◎ John 16:8
「And when he is come, he will reprove the world
of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.」
◎ John 16:13
「Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come,
he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not
speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear,
that shall he speak: and he will shew you things
to come.」
years ago Prophet Jesus definitely said that the Holy Spirit
will be sent not by Prophet Jesus himself but by the Father,
a creator Yawheh, and when the Holy Spirit comes to the
earth, this man will prove Prophet Jesus. And Prophet Jesus
predicted the Holy Spirit would reprove the world of sin
and of righteousness and of judgment, and this man would
guide to all truth, speak not in his own will, but according
to what he heard from a creator Yawheh, and foretell the
future.」 This message suggests a commandment that A Creator
Yawheh gives humanity and churches through Jesus as a criterion
about the right ways to diffuse the message and receive
guidance from the Messiah.
Then who is the Holy Spirit?

As predicted in the bible, the Holy Spirit indicates the
last Prophet Messiah Rael who is sent to the earth by the
Creator Yahweh who created humanity on the earth. (Refer
to the book, Intelligent Design.)
recognize and welcome the Messiah Rael, the world spiritual
leader who guides humanity to the new scientific civilized
age, and make this planet paradise in order that self-destruction
of the earth which can happen because of atomic weapons
and arms race of the world powers may be prevented and lofty
spirituality of eternal peace and harmony may be settled
down on the earth.
the true Jews should have an insight into the following.
has prepared the coming of extra-terrestrials nationally.
Aug. 4, 1982 opening ceremony of Jerusalem Great Synagogue
was held in Jerusalem, Israel where Israeli government officials,
political leaders and religious leaders, world leaders and
rabbis of Judaism attended.

altar at Jerusalem Great Synagogue for welcoming Elijah
opening ceremony was carried live not only to Israel but
also to the world.
Great Synagogue was constructed at a cost of USD 4.5 millions.
Jaffe, chief priest of Jerusalem Great Synagogue said "This
Great Synagogue is the most beautiful synagogue which cannot
be compared with Taberuacle that had been built in Israeli
wilderness after exodus, prepared 60 years ago by two rabbis,
Hacohen Kook and Yaacov Meir.

Jerusalem Great Synagogue for welcoming Elijah
And Hegal Solomon, chief of Jerusalem Great Synagogue delivered
a congratulatory address "Now we are in the time of
welcoming prophet Elijah."
is Elijah?
Elijah, the main character of Jerusalem Great Synagogue
which is built by Israeli government is the prophet
dispatched in B.C. 9C by Yahweh in order to correct
faith betrayal against the Creator Yahweh and corruption
of the Jews, having ascended to heaven by "chariot
of fire and horse of fire" (UFO). (refer to
Second Kings chapter 2)
The following mentioned
in Book of Malachi 4:5~6 is the prediction of the
destiny of Israel through Elijah who will be dispatched
to the earth in the future by the Creator Yahweh.
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before
the coming of the great and dreadful day of the
LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers
to the children, and the heart of the children to
their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with
a curse. 』
The true Jews and humanity need to understand that
Elijah mentioned in Malach chapter 4 means not the
very Elijah who ascended to heaven by chariot of
fire and horse of fire (UFO), but the new prophet
who will diffuse the message of the Creator Yahweh.
Though 36 years have passed
since Israeli government built Jerusalem Great Synagogue
for welcoming Elijah, the reason why Elijah did
not come back yet is because the Creator Yahweh
has already sent the Messiah Rael to the earth.
prophet Elijah will come back with the Creator Elohim
when the Messiah Rael builds the last and Third
Temple, Elohim's Embassy in the earth.
times the Messiah Rael has already let Israeli political
and religious leaders know that he is the last prophet
dispatched by the Creator Yahweh.
"People who have eyes to see and ears to hear,
attention to what the Messiah Rael has done for
the past 40 years."
You will know that
the Messiah Rael has performed throughout the world
his mission to save humanity.
need to take note of the social and religious changes
in Israel which severely affects politics, economy,
religion and science of this planet.
me introduce many changes which happen in Israel.
Israel has prepared the coming of extra-terrestrials
In 1993 a religious sect of Judaism announced that the
Messiah has already come to the earth.
In the early 1990s in Israel there was a report that a brindled
cow gave birth to a white calf.
It snowed heavily in Israel where it had never snowed before.
And Iraq attacked Israel with missiles.
According to Israeli religious tradition these strange phenomenon
mean the signs of the coming of the Messiah who humanity
has waited so long time.
In 1993 finally Shuniesun, one of the highest rabbis announced
that the Messiah has come among us.

placard in an Israeli street

announcement of the coming of the Messiah
by Jewish rabbi Shuniesun in 1993
The following is the article
of DAILY TELEGRAPH on March 16, 1997

article of
DAILY TELEGRAPH on March 16, 1997

article of
a Jewish newspaper in Australia on July 25, 1997
Jews cheer for the birth of a red calf as the sign of building
the Third Temple"