the guide of the Creator Yahweh, Prophet Rael visited the
kingdom of heaven (experiencing civilization which has a
25,000 years advanced science)
Heaven is the planet of the eternal life of the Creators
unit tells briefly that Messiah Rael in order to visit
the immortal planet that advanced 25,000 years ahead
of the Earth, he rode a UFO- an immortal planetary
vehicle, and passed through the “space station” at
midnight of on October 7, 1975 in France. After arriving
at the immortal planet and experiencing the wondrous
super-scientific civilization there, he was named
as the last prophet of mankind, the Messiah, by the
immortal planetary chairman Elohim, in the presence
of many Immortals and reborn prophets, Here is a brief
introduction to all the processes that he left the
planet and returned to France in the night after receiving
the mission. (Intelligent Design: pp. 147-149) |
《 "Visit Heaven and Meet the Creator Elohim" 》
On October 7th, at around
eleven o’clock at night, I felt a sudden urge to go out
and look at the sky. I dressed warmly because it was rather
cool and set out walking in the dark. I was going in a certain
direction without being conscious of it, and suddenly felt
the need to go to a spot that François had shown me during
the summer – a deserted place between two brooks and surrounded
by forest. It was called the Roc Plat.

Le Roc Plat, near Brantome, Perigord region,
I reached
it around midnight, half wondering what I was doing there,
but following my intuition since I had been told that I
could be guided telepathically. The sky was magnificent,
and stars were shining everywhere, for there was not a single
cloud to be seen. As I stood watching the shooting stars,
the whole countryside suddenly lit up, and I saw a huge
ball of fire, like a spark, appear behind some bushes. I
moved towards the place where the ball of fire had appeared,
filled with a tremendous joy, as I was almost certain of
what I was going to find.
The same craft that I had
seen on six occasions in the month of December 1973 was
there in front of me, and the same person I had met two
years earlier came towards me with a smile full of kindness.
I noticed one difference right away. He no longer had on
the spacesuit that had seemed to make a halo around his
face the first time. After all the time I had spent trying
to make the world understand that I was indeed telling the
truth, I was wonderfully happy to see once more the person
who had been responsible for turning my life upside down.
I bowed before him, and he spoke.
‘Stand up and follow me,’
he said. ‘We are very satisfied with you and with everything
you have done for the past two years. It is now time to
pass on to the next stage, since you have proven to us that
we can trust you.These two years were in fact just a trial.
You can see that today I have no protection around my face,
and that my craft appeared to you all at once and was not
equipped with flashing lights. All of that was only intended
to reassure you, so that I would appear in a way that corresponds
to the image that you generally have of space travelers.
But now that you are sufficiently evolved not to take fright,
we won’t use such approach techniques any more.’
Following him inside the
craft, I noticed that its interior looked very similar to
what I had found at our first meeting - walls with the same
metallic appearance as the outside, no control board or
instruments, no portholes, and a floor made of a translucent
blue substance on which stood two armchairs. These were
made of a transparent material that reminded me a little
of inflatable plastic chairs, but without feeling unpleasant.

He invited me to sit down
in one of the two chairs, settled into the other, and asked
me not to move. He then pronounced a few words in an incomprehensible
language, and I seemed to feel the machine rock slightly.
Then all of a sudden, I felt a sensation of severe cold,
as if my whole body were turning into a block of ice, or
rather as if thousands of ice crystals were penetrating
all the pores of my skin, right down to the marrow of my
bones. It lasted a very short time, a few seconds perhaps,
and I felt nothing after that.

Then my companion rose and
said: ‘You may come, we have arrived.’
I followed him down the
small stairway. The craft stood motionless in a metallic-looking
circular room about fifteen meters in diameter and ten meters
high. A door opened, and my guide told me to go in and undress
completely. After that, I would receive further instructions.
I went into a new circular room that did not have the slightest
angle and must have been about four meters in diameter.
I undressed, and a voice told me to go into the room that
was in front of me.
At that moment a door opened,
and I went into a room similar to the one where I had left
my clothes, but it was long and a little like a corridor.
Along the length of that corridor I passed under lights
of different colors in turn. The voice then told me that
by following the arrows painted on the floor, I would arrive
in yet another room where a bath awaited me.
In this next room I did
indeed find a sunken bathtub. The water was lukewarm, just
right, and discreetly perfumed. The voice advised me to
satisfy my personal needs, which I did, and then it asked
me to drink the contents of a glass located on a small shelf
by the metallic wall. It was a white liquid deliciously
savored with almonds, and very cold. Then some soft, pajama-like
clothes that felt like silk were offered to me. They were
white, very close fitting, and had been laid out ready for
me on another shelf. At last a final door opened, and I
found my guide again. He was escorted by two people who
were of similar appearance to him but with different features,
and they were every bit as welcoming.
I rejoined them in a huge
hall where I found wonder after wonder. It was arranged
on several levels and must have measured 100 meters in diameter.
It was covered by an absolutely transparent dome, so transparent
that at first sight it was not clear even that it was a
dome. Thousands of stars studded the dark sky, and yet the
entire hall was brightly lit with a soft, natural looking
light, as if it were midday. The floor was covered with
furs and shaggy carpets of astounding, enchanting colors.
The most admirable works of art were everywhere, each one
more beautiful than the last, and some had animated and
changing colors. Elsewhere there were plants - some bright
red and others blue, as beautiful as exotic fish but several
meters tall. Background music was playing that sounded like
an organ and a musical saw, with occasional choirs and bass
voices producing extraordinary vibrations. This music made
the flowers bend and sway in rhythm, and they changed colors
with each change of musical style.
Every time someone spoke,
the music grew softer so that we could hear each other without
difficulty and without having to raise our voices. The air
was perfumed with a thousand scents that also changed with
the music and our positions in the room. The whole area
had been designed with about ten angled corners, which were
separated at different levels and each corner had a particular
character. A small stream meandered through all this.
My guide’s two companions
were showing him great respect, and the next thing he said
to me was: ‘Follow me. We shall make ourselves comfortable,
since I have many things to tell you.’
I followed him to a group of armchairs and sofas made of
a very soft black fur, where all four of us sat down. There
my guide spoke again: <Omitted>
《 The Other World 》
(Intelligent Design: pp. 159-161, excerpt
‘You are probably wondering
where you are,’ my guide said. ‘In fact, you are now on
a base located relatively close to the Earth. In the first
message, you noted that we traveled seven times faster than
the speed of light. That was true 25,000 years ago when
we landed on Earth. Since then, we have made much progress,
and we now travel through space much faster. It only takes
us a few moments to make the journey that used to take us
almost two months in those times, and we continue to progress.
If you will now follow me, we will take a little trip together.’
I rose and followed my three
guides. We went through an airlock, and in a vast room I
noticed a craft similar to the one that had brought me from
Earth, but it was far larger. The exterior must have been
about twelve meters in diameter, and inside it had four
seats facing each other instead of just two. We sat down
as before, and again I felt the same sensation of intense
cold, but it lasted much longer this time - about ten minutes.
Then the craft rocked slightly, and we stepped out through
the trap door exit.
Before me a paradisiacal
landscape unfolded, and in fact I cannot find any words
to describe my enchantment at seeing huge flowers, each
more beautiful than the last, and animals of unimaginable
appearance were walking among them. There were birds with
multicolored plumage, and pink and blue squirrels with the
heads of bear cubs climbing in the branches of trees that
bore both enormous fruits and gigantic flowers.
About thirty meters from
the spacecraft, a small group of Elohim was waiting for
us, and behind the trees I was able to make out a group
of buildings that resembled brightly colored shells harmonizing
perfectly with the vegetation. The temperature was very
mild, and the air was perfumed with countless scents of
exotic flowers. We walked towards the top of a hill, and
a marvelous panorama began to appear. Innumerable small
streams wound through the lush vegetation, and far off an
azure sea sparkled in the sun.
Reaching a clearing, I discovered
with great astonishment a group of people similar to me,
by which I mean people resembling those who live on Earth,
not Elohim. Most of them were naked or wore robes made of
multicolored silks. They bowed respectfully before my three
guides, and then we all sat down.
Our armchairs seemed to
have been carved in the rock and were covered with thick
furs that always remained fresh and comfortable despite
the warmth. Some people came out of a small cave located
right next to us and approached us carrying trays piled
high with fruits, grilled meats accompanied by the most
incredible sauces, and drinks of unforgettable flavors.
Behind each guest two of
the men who carried the trays were kneeling ready to satisfy
the slightest wish of those who were eating. The latter
would ask them for whatever they desired without even looking
at them.
During the meal some marvelous
music had started up, from where I could not tell, and young
naked women with figures as sculptural as those of the waiters
started to dance with incomparable grace on the surrounding
There must have been some forty guests who
were similar to people from Earth in addition to my three
guides. There were white, yellow and black men and women
who all spoke a language I could not understand that resembled
I was sitting to the right of the Eloha
whom I had met two years earlier, and to the left of the
six other Elohim.
Facing me sat a young bearded
man, very handsome and very slim. He wore a mysterious smile
and an expression filled with fraternal feeling.
To his right was a man with
a noble face sporting a black beard that was very thick
and very long. To his left was a more corpulent man with
an Asian face. He had a shaven head.
《 Meeting
the Ancient Prophets 》

‘In my first message I told
you of a residence located on our planet where people from
Earth can continue to live thanks to the scientific secret
of eternity that is based on a single cell.
Among those people are
Jesus, Moses, Elijah and so on. This residence is, in fact,
very large, since it is an entire planet where the members
of the Council of the Eternals live as well. My name is
Yahweh, and I am the president of that Council of the Eternals.
There are currently 8,400
people from Earth living on the planet where we are at this
moment. They are people who during their lives reached a
sufficient level of open-mindedness towards the infinite,
or who enabled humanity on Earth to progress from its primitive
level through their discoveries, their writings, their ways
of organizing society and their exemplary acts of fraternity,
love or selflessness. Alongside them live the 700 Elohim
members of the Council of the Eternals.
Whatever the outcome of
your mission may be, you have your place reserved here among
us in this veritable little paradise where everything is
easy, thanks to science, and where we live happily and eternally.
I can truly say eternally, for, as on Earth, we created
all life here, and we are starting to understand perfectly
the life of the infinitely large, that is to say, of the
planets, and we can detect signs of old age in solar systems,
which will enable us to leave this planet in time to create
another paradise elsewhere, as soon as we grow anxious about
its survival.
The eternals who live
here, both people from Earth and Elohim, can fulfill themselves
as they wish, without having to do anything but that which
pleases them - scientific research, meditation, music,
painting, and so on.
Or they can do nothing at all if they feel like it.
The servants you saw carrying the dishes a little while
ago, as well as the dancers, are just biological robots.
They are created according to the same principle we used
to create the people of Earth in a totally scientific way,
but they have been limited and are absolutely submissive
to us.
They are also incapable of acting without orders from us,
and they are very specialized. They have no aspirations
of their own, and no pleasure, except those that are necessary
for their specialization. They grow old and die like us,
but the machine that makes them can make far more than we
need. They are incapable of feelings or suffering, and cannot
reproduce themselves.
Their life span is similar to ours - that is to say about
700 years with the help of a small surgical intervention.
When one of them must be
destroyed due to old age, the machine that created them
produces one or several others, depending on our needs.
They come out of the machine ready to function and with
their normal height, for they have neither growth nor childhood.
They only know how to do one thing: obey people from Earth
and Elohim, and they are incapable of the slightest violence.
They can all be recognized by the small blue stone that
both males and females wear between their eyes. They take
care of the dirty jobs and do all the work that is uninteresting.
They are produced, taken care of and destroyed underground
where, in fact, all the maintenance work is done by such
robots and by enormous computers that regulate all the problems
of nourishment, supply of raw materials, energy and other
There, I have finished.
You will be able to annotate all this by yourself once
you have returned to Earth. Now enjoy this paradise
a while longer, and we will take you back for you to complete
your mission before returning to us for good.’
I remained there for several
more hours, enjoying the many pleasures of that world, meandering
amongst numerous fountains and enjoying the company of the
great prophets whom I had met the day before during meditation
Then, after a last meal
taken with the same people as the day before, I found myself
once again in the large vessel, which set me down at the
observation station. From there I retraced my route of the
day before, and found myself with my clothes in the small
craft, which dropped me off where it had picked me up, at
Roc Plat. I looked at my watch - it was midnight.
I returned home, where I
immediately set to work to write down all that I had been
told. Everything was perfectly clear in my mind, and I was
surprised to find that I was writing it all at one stroke,
recalling without any hesitation the sentences I had heard.
The words remained as if engraved in my mind just as I had
been told they would at the beginning.

In Oct. 7th
1975 the Messiah Rael was invited to the planet of eternal
life of the Creators ELOHIM, which is 25,000 years advanced,
via 「the middle station」 between the planet of eternal life
and the earth by boarding UFO of the Creator Yahweh. The
Messiah Rael returned to the earth after he met many eternals
and prophets who were recreated in the planet of eternal
life, and experienced fantastic ultra scientific civilization.
(Please refer to the details mentioned in <Intelligent

The planet of eternal life is the Creators' planet which
is a light year away from the earth, and the eternals literally
enjoy eternal life thanks to biotechnology. Today earth
scientists research the way to overcome death, whereas the
Creators ELOHIM realized it so long time ago. There is no
"heaven" where souls of the dead live together.
Instead, actually "the planet of eternal life"
where people enjoy eternal life with living bodies exist.
If you read the Bible carefully, you will find out that
the people who went to "heaven" at the age of
old testament are only Enoch and Elijah, and not after death
but while living. Jesus also resurrected into living body
thanks to biotechnology and went to heaven after confirming
his disciples.
“Heaven" is the place where people with their living
bodies live forever, indicating the very planet of eternal
life of the ELOHIM. Today people on the earth also research
eternal life owing to biotechnology. Therefore it is time
to get rid of the superstition of "heaven" which
originated from primitive religion!

The model of the UFO the Messiah Rael boarded to the planet
of eternal life on Oct. 7th, 1975