the truth
4)The prototype of the cause
and baptism of the forehead = 144,000 =
The "mark of the forehead" in Revelation refers
to baptism. Baptism is the transfer of each person's DNA
(Cellular plan).
1、 Meaning of Cellular Plan transmission
(also called transmission)
The transmission is the process by which
Raelians who read the Elohim message and agree with it and
approve the Elohim (the original word of God) as our Creator,
and are valid during the lifetime of each Raelian. That
is, the conscious act that represents one’s determination
to comprehend the message of the Creator Elohim and to follow
it in its entirety.

2、 Transmission and it’s Purpose
◎ The Elohim message states that "
to have their cellular plan transmitted by him, or by a
Guide qualified to officiate by him."
◎ The cell plan transmitted by the guide,
that is, the genetic code, is recorded in a huge computer
on the Elohim’s planet. This computer is used to collect
information about every human beings (from the moment a
new human genetic code is formed, Up to the moment of death).
This accumulated data determines whether or not the person
deserves eternal life.
◎ The authorized guided is a person who
registered his vibration frequency on the computer of the
creator Elohim, he transmits the information of the person
who receives the transmission (cell blueprint) to the Elohim
satellite (over the earth, Send it to the computer).
To get best effects in the transmission, water is put on
both hands to smooth the electrical contact, and the transmission
is carried out with the palm resting on the forehead and
back of the receiver. By doing so, the Elohim help you open
your heart and you stay awake all the time.
3、Child's transmission (baptism) and conversion
Children should never be baptized. The transmission
is only for adults who recognize the Elohim as the creator.
Transmission (baptism) is a matter of choice,
so it applies only to adults. Anyone who was baptized when
he/she was a child in accordance with the religion of the
parent, and wishes to become a Raelian as an adult, shall
submit a request for deletion from the list, namely a declaration
of conversion,
For when a person says to Elohim, "I acknowledge you
as the Creator," it means that he understood who he
himself is. Since after a child is baptismed, he/she become
someone in a state of primitive religion, under this situation,
to become a raelian who recognize the Elohim as a creator
does not make sense, either of them must be chosen. Also,
when an adult wants to become a raelian, he/she have to
choose either.
4、Scientific basis of transmission
Individuals have their own unique chromosomes-celluar
designs-which are oscillating with their own electromagnetic
spectrum. The human body is a transmitter of electromagnetic
waves and electromagnetic waves.
The level of earth science has not yet reached the stage
of measuring the wave phenomena of complex organisms like
In addition, it is not sufficiently developed to be able
to separate the vibration wave of a specific molecule from
the surrounding background sound.
However, the scientific level of the Elohim can detect (receive)
this wave even at long distances.
= Human DNA
is designed to have a natural frequency =
5、Significance of the transmission
The first is to preserve the genetic code of each raelian
for the rebirth (resurrection) on the immortal planet of
Elohim in the future.
The second is that in Revelation 7: 3:
“Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put
a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” It
has to do with 144,000 people who have a stamp on the forehead.
The people who will be sealed in the forehead will be those
who will have their cellular plan transmitted by manual
contact between our prophet and their forehead bone.
The total of those who will be “sealed in the forehead”
will be around 144,000.
Elohim is going to delay the final
disaster (mankind's self-destruction) until 144,000.
"For as long as the total of these human beings does
not reach 144,000, we will help to delay the final cataclysm,
so as to have a sufficient number to start a new generation
on Earth, when it has become a suitable place again for
humans to live."
Rael is speaking.
"Human DNA exits light and magnetic fields, and
if it is full of love, DNA will emit far more light
and magnetic fields, so DNA is sending and receiving
information between each other in outer space."
= People with ears to hear
and people with eyes to see will understand the truth of
the transmission. = Amen!