to the world of the Messiah Rael which reveals the truth.
This site is consist of the contents which prove that the
Messiah Rael who is predicted in the Bible has already been
among us and he guides the humanity.
2,000 years ago Jesus Christ, the Messenger of the Elohim
who had created humanity said, "since another Comforter,
Prophet will come to the earth at the age of Apocalypse
to guide the humanity, follow him."
is the truth for you.
As predicted
in the Bible, the Messiah Rael was born in 1946 when the
age of both Aquarius (the vernal equinox in March, 1946)
and Apocalypse begin, and met Yahweh, the representative
of the Creators Elohim on Dec. 13th, 1973 to receive the
amazing message regarding the origin and the future of the
humanity from Yahweh for six days. Then, he was named "Rael".
And, on Oct. 7th, 1975 under the guidance of the Elohim,
he visited "the planet of eternal life" which
is known as "heaven", experienced fantastic ultra
scientific civilization which is 25,000 years more advanced
than that of the earth, met many eternals and prophets who
are recreated in the planet of eternal life, and was appointed
"the last Prophet" of the Elohim and "Ambassador
to the earth".
The Messiah Rael received the mission to diffuse the message,
which was given to him by the Elohim, to the whole humanity
and build the Third Temple, the Embassy to the earth for
the Elohim, founding "International Raelian Movement".
Since then the Messiah Rael has performed his mission as
a messenger of the Elohim and Messiah predicted in the Bible
to diffuse the message of the Elohim together with tens
of thousands of Raelians in more than ninety countries in
the world.
As the Elohim said that they would see through the eyes
and speak through the mouth of the Messiah Rael, the Messiah
Rael is always connected to the Creators and shows humanity
the right way which the Creators let him know.
This web site reveals the truth regarding <baptism>,
<666>, <a hundred and forty and four thousand of
all the tribes of the children of Israel>, <the book
of life>, <the truth of heaven>, <the Elohim>
etc., and describes in detail how the things predicted in
the Bible occurs actually.
We Realians appeal to humanity
not to pray in monasteries now,
not to pray in synagogues now,
not to pray in churches now,
not to pray in mosques now.
sounds changing the world in all over the fields are shaking
the axis of the earth. The Messiah Rael has mentioned these
changes for tens of years.
For examples ;
◎ For
tens of years the Messiah Rael has done transmission of
cellular plan, which is the original form of Christian "baptism".
Transmission of cellular plan is originated from the principle
that each human being has his or her own unique vibration
frequency. (Scientists of the earth did not know this principle
until twentieth century.)
◎ And,
for tens of years, much earlier than economic crisis mentioned
by futurologists and global financial crisis in 2008 he
has said that we should abandon "the philosophy of
ownership" which is the fundamental thought of ancien
regime, capitalism and learn "the philosophy of being"
because exiting regime like capitalism will collapse soon.
"The thought of sharing" which is being mentioned
strongly nowadays is just a very small part of "the
philosophy of being" of the Messiah Rael.
◎ In
particular, for tens of years he has taught in detail that
the scientific technology of the earth will reach its highest
point, "singularity" in 2030 and during the time
all the existing social system will collapse rapidly and
totally new system will appear.
It is
high time that we all should acknowledge the Messiah Rael
who is sent by the Creators Elohim and follow his teaching.
The missions of existing religions including Christianity
are over.
The world's greatest scholar, Arnold Toynbee said as follows.
"As the essential character of physics cannot endure
physical vacuum, the essential character of human cannot
endure mental vacuum, and so is mentality of the universe."
Arnold Toynbee is right. Today is in the state of religious
vacuum, and humanity is in need of new spiritual leader.
Humanity is advancing toward totally new revolutionary age
thanks to the quantum leap of scientific technology. But,
the whole systems such as in the fields of politics, economics,
education, religion, etc. which have governed this planet
are collapsing and this planet is covered with chaos. "Today
when it is so uncertain that nobody can foresee the future,
what is the fundamental problem which is at the bottom of
times of crisis?"
The problem is that humanity has not found yet the new spiritual
leader who will lead humanity at the new age even though
we all know that the missions of existing thoughts and religions
are over. Today humanity is facing the challenge that cannot
be avoided.
"What can save this planet which is in the most severe
danger is the only teaching of the Messiah Rael."
If you agree with the truth mentioned in this web site,
please join us to open the new age and deliver it to others
who are thirsty of the truth.

= Rael, the Messiah as predicted
in the Bible, is already among us =