the truth
1) The final judge and the Huge computer
This unit is about
a computer device installed on the planet of immortality
when Messiah Rael visited the immortal planet called
the Kingdom of Heaven on October 7, 1975. This is
a chapter that introduces his witness of a huge computer
that stores all the information of each person from
birth to death (human black box) (see Intelligent
Design: Volume 2, pages 168 and 171).
No one
ever lived on this planet will be free from the storage
information of this computer. = |
『‘In this
machine are kept the cells of malevolent people who will
be recreated to be judged when the time comes. They are
cells from those on Earth who preached violence, wickedness,
aggressiveness and obscurantism. Despite having in their
possession all the elements to understand where they came
from, these people did not have the sense to recognize the
truth. They will be recreated to undergo the punishment
they deserve, after being judged by those whom they made
to suffer or by their ancestors or descendants.
‘In this machine
are kept the cells of malevolent people who will be recreated
to be judged when the time comes. They are cells from those
on Earth who preached violence, wickedness, aggressiveness
and obscurantism. Despite having in their possession all
the elements to understand where they came from, these people
did not have the sense to recognize the truth. They will
be recreated to undergo the punishment they deserve, after
being judged by those whom they made to suffer or by their
ancestors or descendants. 』
Messiah Rael
says: Falsehood can not escape judgment, saying that human
is kept in record on the Elohim's computer of everything
from the mother's ovum fertilized with father's sperm to
『Yahweh spoke
again: ‘From now on, we will see through your eyes, hear
through your ears, and speak through your mouth. We will
even be able to heal through your hands, as we already do
at Lourdes and in many other places in the world, for some
sick people who deserve our help because of their will to
radiate the message we have given you, and because of their
efforts to acquire a cosmic mind by opening themselves to
We observe
everyone. Huge computers ensure a constant surveillance
of all people living on Earth. A mark is attributed to everyone
depending on whether their actions during their life led
towards love and truth or towards hate and obscurantism.
When the time comes to evaluate, those who went in the right
direction will have the right to eternity on this heavenly
planet, those who achieved nothing positive yet were not
evil will not be recreated, and for those whose actions
were particularly negative, a cell from their body will
have been preserved, which will allow us to recreate them
when the time comes, so that they can be judged and suffer
the punishment they deserve. 』

Bible Revelation
20:12: "…Another book was opened, which is the book
of life. The dead were judged according to what they had
done as recorded in the books. "
= Those with
eyes that can see and those who have ears to hear will understand
the truth =
In Revelation 21:
3 and 4
"…Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the
people, and he will dwell with them. They will be
his people, and God himself will be with them and
be their God.He will wipe every tear from their
= The age of Paradism
has already begun =
of Life and Flaming Sword
The Bible says in Genesis 3: 22-24 about the tree of life
and flaming sword:
『... take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.
... a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the
way to the tree of life. 』
The Creator Elohim
reveals the truth about the Tree of Life through Messiah
Rael on page 16 of Intelligent Design.
『This means you - the created - can learn all you
want, read all of the books that we have here at your
disposal, but never touch the scientific books, otherwise
you will die.』 |

The Tree of Life in Bible reveals a part of the process
whereby the Elohim, the scientists of the immortal planet,
constructed the science lab on the planet Earth and create
the first human and then transmit the civilization of the
Elohim to humans.
The Tree of Life of the Bible means knowledge
(books, various materials, etc.) related to science and
technology. In particular, molecular bioscience technology
is a vital tree of life among the trees which can repair,
heal, and prolong human life.
Messiah Rael's "Intelligent Design"
is a book that reveals the origin of Earth's planetary civilization,
especially the truth of Genesis.
The Truth about
"Flaming Sword" in the Bible Genesis 3,
the Creators Elohim reveals in "Intelligent
Design" as below:
"Soldiers with atomic disintegration weapons
were placed at the entrance to the creators’ residence
to prevent human beings from stealing more scientific
3)The truth of 666
In the Bible, Revelation 13:18
『This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate
the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.
That number is 666. 』
『In fact, the number
666 refers to the number of generations of humans
that have reproduced on earth since the first man
was created in the first laboratory. The first human
was created about 13,000 years ago. If you estimate
an average of 20 years for a generation, the 666 generation
will be 13,320 years.
The generation born
in 1945, the Apocalypse (the age of revelation), is
actually the 666th generation of the first human being
born in the laboratory by Elohim.
This generation exactly
coincides with the nuclear energy was used for mass
destruction in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 for the
first time. Again, no other explanation is needed
to understand this fact. Anyone can just read what
is already recorded. 666 is certainly <human number>
and the number of humans born since creation,i.e.
the number of generations. 』 |
When the EU (European
Union) was formed in the 1980s, Christianity foretold the
end of the world. When they were announced that the number
of barcodes as logistic indication was <666>, they
called the barcode <the beast's mark>. They also warned
the end of humanity when AIDS was announced. This end-of-world
ideology is the main culprit of the people.

This calls for wisdom. Let the person who
has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is
the number of a man. That number is 666. (Revelation 13:18)
◎ " the beast" is not an beast,
but looks like an beast.
◎ "calculate the number of the beast
" expresses the relationship between the symbol of
the beast and the number that can be counted.
◎ The countable number can be counted as
666 to indicate human.
◎ Especially, it emphasizes that wisdom
and perception are necessary to understand the numbering
and pointing to a person. Wisdom is a collective thinking
force that contemplates things, and perception refers to
the necessity of rational and rational thinking, so it requires
rational judgment to interpret this content.
In this context,
the right understanding of <beast>, <someone>,
<666> is the key. |
The explosion of a nuclear bomb in 1945
must surely be like a beast that can destroy mankind. The
ancient John of 2,000 years ago saw the mushroom cloud as
it wriggled into the sky and saw it as an animal that could
destroy humanity.

In 1945, not only did scientists discover
the origin of mankind by acquiring the mystery of the atom
with the power of mankind, but the facts that have been
regarded as mysteries and mysteries for a long period of
time are now being revealed. It is also possible to predict
the future scientifically. All this became possible from
the time of the emergence of atomic energy (atoms of matter)
symbolized as the beast in 1945.
Apocalypse (The Age of Revelation) began in 1945,
and 1945 is the epoch of the science age. "666"
means the present generation of human beings, not
the number of beasts, which means the coming of
the scientific age.
Apocalypse has nothing to do with the end of humanity.
The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6,
1945 was a signal to the universe that humanity
entered a new era of science.

4)The prototype of the cause
and baptism of the forehead = 144,000 =
The "mark of the forehead" in Revelation refers
to baptism. Baptism is the transfer of each person's DNA
(Cellular plan).
1、 Meaning of Cellular Plan transmission
(also called transmission)
The transmission is the process by which
Raelians who read the Elohim message and agree with it and
approve the Elohim (the original word of God) as our Creator,
and are valid during the lifetime of each Raelian. That
is, the conscious act that represents one’s determination
to comprehend the message of the Creator Elohim and to follow
it in its entirety.

2、 Transmission and it’s Purpose
◎ The Elohim message states that "
to have their cellular plan transmitted by him, or by a
Guide qualified to officiate by him."
◎ The cell plan transmitted by the guide,
that is, the genetic code, is recorded in a huge computer
on the Elohim’s planet. This computer is used to collect
information about every human beings (from the moment a
new human genetic code is formed, Up to the moment of death).
This accumulated data determines whether or not the person
deserves eternal life.
◎ The authorized guided is a person who
registered his vibration frequency on the computer of the
creator Elohim, he transmits the information of the person
who receives the transmission (cell blueprint) to the Elohim
satellite (over the earth, Send it to the computer).
To get best effects in the transmission, water is put on
both hands to smooth the electrical contact, and the transmission
is carried out with the palm resting on the forehead and
back of the receiver. By doing so, the Elohim help you open
your heart and you stay awake all the time.
3、Child's transmission (baptism) and conversion
Children should never be baptized. The transmission
is only for adults who recognize the Elohim as the creator.
Transmission (baptism) is a matter of choice,
so it applies only to adults. Anyone who was baptized when
he/she was a child in accordance with the religion of the
parent, and wishes to become a Raelian as an adult, shall
submit a request for deletion from the list, namely a declaration
of conversion,
For when a person says to Elohim, "I acknowledge you
as the Creator," it means that he understood who he
himself is. Since after a child is baptismed, he/she become
someone in a state of primitive religion, under this situation,
to become a raelian who recognize the Elohim as a creator
does not make sense, either of them must be chosen. Also,
when an adult wants to become a raelian, he/she have to
choose either.
4、Scientific basis of transmission
Individuals have their own unique chromosomes-celluar
designs-which are oscillating with their own electromagnetic
spectrum. The human body is a transmitter of electromagnetic
waves and electromagnetic waves.
The level of earth science has not yet reached the stage
of measuring the wave phenomena of complex organisms like
In addition, it is not sufficiently developed to be able
to separate the vibration wave of a specific molecule from
the surrounding background sound.
However, the scientific level of the Elohim can detect (receive)
this wave even at long distances.
= Human DNA
is designed to have a natural frequency =
5、Significance of the transmission
The first is to preserve the genetic code of each raelian
for the rebirth (resurrection) on the immortal planet of
Elohim in the future.
The second is that in Revelation 7: 3:
“Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put
a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” It
has to do with 144,000 people who have a stamp on the forehead.
The people who will be sealed in the forehead will be those
who will have their cellular plan transmitted by manual
contact between our prophet and their forehead bone.
The total of those who will be “sealed in the forehead”
will be around 144,000.
Elohim is going to delay the final
disaster (mankind's self-destruction) until 144,000.
"For as long as the total of these human beings does
not reach 144,000, we will help to delay the final cataclysm,
so as to have a sufficient number to start a new generation
on Earth, when it has become a suitable place again for
humans to live."
Rael is speaking.
"Human DNA exits light and magnetic fields, and
if it is full of love, DNA will emit far more light
and magnetic fields, so DNA is sending and receiving
information between each other in outer space."
= People with ears to hear
and people with eyes to see will understand the truth of
the transmission. = Amen!