doctrine of Trinity which is not mentioned in the Bible
must be quashed right away.

◎ The doctrine of Trinity which is formed in AD 325 and
is the doctrine of Catholic church is in essence the doctrine
of homoousion that is a latin word meaning one God though
it consists of three persons, God the Father, God the Son,
God the Holy Ghost. As the result, the Creators Elohim became
the God, Jesus who is the son of the God became the God,
and the Holy Ghost became the God. The God mentioned in
Genesis 1:1 is ELOHIM in Hebrew.
◎ The word "the God" originated from "ELOHIM".
ELOHIM which is the plural form of Hebrew word ELOHA means
"those who came from the sky". Therefore, the
God is mistranslated. It is written "Hear, O Israel
: The LORD our God is one LORD." in Deuteronomy 6:4.
As "Hear" means "obey" which has order
and directive meaning, it is a crime for Yahweh to have
made Yahweh, who is one person, three persons. <Even
though the doctrine of Trinity is formed by Roman emperor
the Great Constantine, his son Constantius declared, "I
do not want to use the word which does not exist in the
Bible."> Jews, Christians and intellectuals in the
world should do their best to abrogate the doctrine of Trinity
which defamed the holy name of the Creator Yahweh.
◎ The Messiah
Rael's mission of salvation of humanity is bothered by the
doctrine of Trinity In John chapter 14 and 16, the Creator
ELOHIM predict through the prophet Jesus the mission of
the Messiah (the holy spirit) who will appear in the future
(the age of apocalypse) and "a code of conduct"
that churches and humanity should follow. However, because
of the doctrine of Trinity the holy spirit became churches
and churches became the holy spirit. So 2.3 billions of
christians do not know the advent of the Messiah. The doctrine
of Trinity caused by the misinterpretation of the Bible
interrupts the Messiah Rael's mission of the salvation of
Jesus said
clearly "As the Holy Spirit(The Messiah) the Creator
Yahweh sent to the earth, he shall teach you all things,
and reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and
of judgment, receive guidance from the Messiah.” But, churches
took the head in selling the heaven with indulgence. And
they burned at the stake Giordan Bruno who was the most
intelligent person in 17th century saying that intelligent
lives like humanity exist in other planets. Churches kept
silent when Adolf Hitler massacred millions of Jews in gas
chambers. Actually did churches which replaced the holy
spirit for 2,000 years teach all things, and reprove the
world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment in compliance
with the prediction of Jesus? Because the doctrinal word
of churches which has the doctrine of homoousion due to
the doctrine of Trinity damage the name of the Creator Yahweh
who is "only one person" as written in Deuteronomy
6:4, the doctrine of Trinity must not be used any more.
the era of Christian church is over. Let's welcome the Messiah.