message of the Messiah Rael
Design - Message from the Designers
This book reveals the truth about the origin and the future
of lives on the earth. In particular it clearly uncovers
the truth of human cloning and UFO. And it will guide you
to the way to success by letting you know the essence of
human life.
- Power to Geniuses!
In 21st century when a complete new civilization will begin,
geniocracy that is selective democracy will be introduced
where power is entrusted to excellent intelligent people.
This is the guide book for future society of humanity.
Sensual Meditation
- Awakening the mind by awakening the body
Sensual meditation is a scientific meditation which was
given by extra terrestrials and will open up your mind.
Optional : Sensual Meditation CD No. 1 - Harmony with infinity
Sensual Meditation CD No. 2 - Awareness of rhythm of life
Yes to human
This book makes it clear how "eternal life" which
is a ultimate dream of humanity will be realized. GM food
/ termination of starvation / internet : a kind of religious
experience / computer and nano-technology, bio-robot, new
technology and protection of environment
Wisdom of
Messiah(maitreya) Rael- The Messiah(maitreya) : Extracts
from his Teachings
Teaching of Maitreya Rael contains infinite wisdom which
will lead humanity to happiness. This book which is extracts
from his teachings will elevate consciousness of humanity
a lot.
books written by the Messiah Rael can be downloaded for
free at