of the truth
3)The truth of 666
In the Bible, Revelation 13:18
『This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate
the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.
That number is 666. 』
『In fact, the number
666 refers to the number of generations of humans
that have reproduced on earth since the first man
was created in the first laboratory. The first human
was created about 13,000 years ago. If you estimate
an average of 20 years for a generation, the 666 generation
will be 13,320 years.
The generation born
in 1945, the Apocalypse (the age of revelation), is
actually the 666th generation of the first human being
born in the laboratory by Elohim.
This generation exactly
coincides with the nuclear energy was used for mass
destruction in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 for the
first time. Again, no other explanation is needed
to understand this fact. Anyone can just read what
is already recorded. 666 is certainly <human number>
and the number of humans born since creation,i.e.
the number of generations. 』 |
When the EU (European
Union) was formed in the 1980s, Christianity foretold the
end of the world. When they were announced that the number
of barcodes as logistic indication was <666>, they
called the barcode <the beast's mark>. They also warned
the end of humanity when AIDS was announced. This end-of-world
ideology is the main culprit of the people.

This calls for wisdom. Let the person who
has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is
the number of a man. That number is 666. (Revelation 13:18)
◎ " the beast" is not an beast,
but looks like an beast.
◎ "calculate the number of the beast
" expresses the relationship between the symbol of
the beast and the number that can be counted.
◎ The countable number can be counted as
666 to indicate human.
◎ Especially, it emphasizes that wisdom
and perception are necessary to understand the numbering
and pointing to a person. Wisdom is a collective thinking
force that contemplates things, and perception refers to
the necessity of rational and rational thinking, so it requires
rational judgment to interpret this content.
In this context,
the right understanding of <beast>, <someone>,
<666> is the key. |
The explosion of a nuclear bomb in 1945
must surely be like a beast that can destroy mankind. The
ancient John of 2,000 years ago saw the mushroom cloud as
it wriggled into the sky and saw it as an animal that could
destroy humanity.

In 1945, not only did scientists discover
the origin of mankind by acquiring the mystery of the atom
with the power of mankind, but the facts that have been
regarded as mysteries and mysteries for a long period of
time are now being revealed. It is also possible to predict
the future scientifically. All this became possible from
the time of the emergence of atomic energy (atoms of matter)
symbolized as the beast in 1945.
Apocalypse (The Age of Revelation) began in 1945,
and 1945 is the epoch of the science age. "666"
means the present generation of human beings, not
the number of beasts, which means the coming of
the scientific age.
Apocalypse has nothing to do with the end of humanity.
The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6,
1945 was a signal to the universe that humanity
entered a new era of science.